Article Proofreading: Dental Magazine


Monolingual proofreading, written by a Spanish speaker


In healthcare, translation is necessary for both scientific discourse and patient-facing resources. However, the translation of patient materials requires a different approach than that of complex scientific articles. Effective communication involves not only transmitting information but also ensuring its proper understanding. Thus, tailoring the message to suit patients' understanding is vital. For instance, the informed consent form is quite a common document in daily practice, but most patients may find it difficult to understand – this is where medical translators do their magic. Their expertise in distinguishing between general and specialized texts and tailoring their translation facilitates comprehension and collaboration between doctors and patients. Given the different communicational scenarios in healthcare, medical translation becomes a multidisciplinary task requiring specific skills and knowledge. Collaborating with experts in medical translation ensures optimal communication with non-English-speaking patients, positively impacting their oral health outcomes. While bilingual staff could be helpful in certain scenarios, interpreter-mediated dental care proves also invaluable for these patients, aligning with recent trends in healthcare towards personalized care and patient empowerment.


In healthcare, translation is necessary for both scientific discourse and patient-facing resources. However, the translation of patient materials requires a different approach than that of complex scientific articles. Effective communication involves not only transmitting information but also ensuring full comprehension. Thus, tailoring the message to improve patient understanding is vital. For instance, the informed consent form is quite a common document in daily practice, but many patients find it difficult to understand – this is where medical translators work their magic. Their expertise in distinguishing between general and specialized texts and tailoring their translation facilitates comprehension and collaboration between doctors and patients. Given the different communicative scenarios in healthcare, medical translation becomes a multidisciplinary task requiring specific skills and knowledge. Collaborating with experts in medical translation ensures optimal communication with non-English-speaking patients, positively impacting their oral health outcomes. While bilingual staff could be helpful in certain scenarios, interpreter-mediated dental care proves also invaluable for these patients, aligning with recent trends in healthcare towards personalized care and patient empowerment.


Academic Editing